Popular Party takes victory in bitterly fought Madrid regional election
The conservative group’s candidate, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, will be able to form a government with the abstention of far-right Vox
The conservative group’s candidate, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, will be able to form a government with the abstention of far-right Vox
But incumbent candidate Isabel Díaz Ayuso will need the support of far-right Vox, according to the survey for Telemadrid and TVE
Feminist group Femen staged a topless protest when the far-right Vox party candidate, Rocío Monasterio, went to cast her ballot. There were doubts, meanwhile, about the color of the Popular Party’s voting slips
The father of the children, who has also disappeared, transferred €55,000 between two of his bank accounts the day before they were last seen
El Roto cartoon, May 4, 2021
The victims association Avico is demanding accountability from the Bolsonaro administration, which it accuses of negligence
The government has reached its objective for the beginning of May, while the coronavirus incidence rate falls slightly after remaining stable for 14 days
Regional data shows that during the first wave most Covid-19 patients from senior residences died in their care home, not in a medical center as claimed by premier Isabel Díaz Ayuso