Video: Storm hits the historic town center of Toledo
Summer showers have brought 6.2 liters of rain per square meter, according to data published by weather agency Aemet
Summer showers have brought 6.2 liters of rain per square meter, according to data published by weather agency Aemet
Ros cartoon, August 29, 2017
Other issues of concern for group include climate change and political corruption, WEF survey shows
Beaten and imprisoned for performing during opposition protests, musician says he has no plans to stop
Andreu Martí accumulated €2.3 million in bribes in Catalan town of l’Ametlla de Mar during 12-year tenure
Just 13 out of 8,000 municipalities in Spain have implemented Interior Ministry scheme
“Until recently, I didn’t even know what a meme was,” says photographer Antonio Guillem
Police say Abdelbakri Es Satty intended to blow himself up as part of terror campaign in Catalonia
All measures taken by cities to protect crowded areas are welcome
Local authorities hope to save beautiful Sant Jeroni de la Murtra site but negotiations are stalled