Spanish woman who was fleeing father of girlfriend found in Istanbul
Jimena Rico and Egyptian partner “threatened with death” by parent, who didn’t accept their relationship
Jimena Rico and Egyptian partner “threatened with death” by parent, who didn’t accept their relationship
Beloved idol named just one heir, but two unrecognized children are mounting legal challenge
Civilians accused of working with police and responsible for killings apparently operating with impunity
Recent murder prods government into action; existing law had been languishing since 2013
Dismantling of mausoleum timed for 80th anniversary of bombing of town in Spain’s north
Ros cartoon, April 27, 2017
El Roto cartoon, April 27, 2017
Database of municipal registers shows drop of 17,982 individuals for a total of 46.5 million
After poor winter, jobless rate now at 18.75%, slightly above figure for the end of 2016
Gangs are unafraid of law enforcement as they ship hashish into Europe near Gibraltar