Why the writing’s on the wall for Quito’s errant graffiti artists
A team of language activists in Ecuador is working nights to correct bad spelling
A team of language activists in Ecuador is working nights to correct bad spelling
Widespread anti-government marches show how Rousseff's popularity has fallen
Collector’s item celebrates “70 years of peace in Europe,” a period including Franco's regime
Ruling overturns last year’s High Court sentence, which absolved the demonstrators The protest prevented deputies from entering the government building in Barcelona
Spain’s wealthiest man gets richer after shares in fashion giant Inditex trade up on Monday
Team trying to identify bones of ‘Don Quixote’ author “convinced we have something”
Judges throw out rules that keep immigrant families in separate cells
Funding for integration policies slashed despite experts warning of risk of Paris-like unrest
US ambassador James Costos opens cultural institution’s second Spanish center