Risk of severe wind, waves and snow leaves 20 provinces on alert
Giant swells flood parts of Cantabria
Giant swells flood parts of Cantabria
Opposition vows to find alternative ways of securing a probe into the deaths of 15 Sub-Saharans
Police are called in to remove barricades in Venezuela’s western Táchira state
Police find accounting records of campaign events from 2003 and 2004
Number of travelers grew 1.5 percent in February
Thirty-five-year-old defender says recent injuries forced him to make decision
Assange, Snowden and Falciani are the Salman Rushdies of the West
Government and EU are at odds over immigration but reluctant to tackle the root issues
The head of the National Electronic Cigarette Association, Manuel Muñoz, explains his habits
Cabin-crew member was sacked for not paying for the snack before eating it
Two entrepreneurs are fighting it out for control of the popular children's show
Collector alerted Havana after discovering painting by Eduardo Abela at a Florida gallery National Museum officials believe some 100 works may have been robbed
Creditor banks would swap debt for equity in refloat of ailing seafood processor
Report suggests government could save 900 million a year by limiting time spent at universities
Number of people not covered by safety net rises to 1.68 million
Corrupt business network received 80 percent of payments in black-market money
Judges rule that Aragonese firm Curbimetal acted in “bad faith” when negotiating layoffs
Over 1,000 would-be immigrants try to enter Spanish exclave in two groups
But net job creation pledge by the government gets off to a slow start