Wake-up call in Argentina
Primary results constitute a serious warning for President Fernández de Kirchner
Primary results constitute a serious warning for President Fernández de Kirchner
Colombian president discusses spying activities by the NSA in his country Secretary of state on a two-nation tour of region that includes Brazil
Differential on German bond down to 268 basis points as investors snap up debt in secondary market
Spain asked for more time to change its bid, says Brazilian official Concerns over effect of Galician rail tragedy on Spanish project
Both ex-secretaries of ruling party deny they received money from slush fund
Both PRD and PAN disappointed over Pemex plans
Prosecutors are looking into local council's deal with Adrien Brody's 'Manolete' double
Some of the Spanish prisoners who were not pardoned ask why pedophile was put on the royal list in the first place
Daniel Galván Viña lived a double life for years, abusing children in Morocco, before sparking an international incident when he was mistakenly released from jail
Murder victim was investigating illegal dumping in reserve river, family say
Online retail giant's two subsidiaries in Spain were both in the red in 2012
Previous ruling overturned as pharmacist and two nurses found liable for tragic death
Controversial treatment celebrates 10th anniversary and seeks to expand Cost justified by positive impact on society, doctors say
It is in Spain’s corporate cliques, and not its public services, where the taint of corruption is strongest
European Commission may consider move next year Rajoy government announced sudden change of policy