The thousands of people living in shelters set up by the city, which has received nearly 200,000 immigrants since 2022, denounce the lack of a long-term plan. Since last week, the situation has worsened with cuts to the maximum length of stay
The Republican has become the first former U.S. president to be declared a felon after being convicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records to cover up a sex scandal
The Christian faith among Latinos is on the rise as the country becomes less and less religious. Fueled by new immigrants and a community in search of belonging, it points to the growing conservatism among the traditionally Democrat voter base
The Vargas family migrated to the United States from Colombia in 2022 after receiving death threats. Their 12-year-old daughter is now among the 100 best young female chess players in the country
Data from the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations shows that 1,248 Hispanics died in 2022. Of those killed on the job, 60% were immigrants
The actress grew up in Argentina and is proud of her heritage; however, she is very ‘careful’ not to take on Latino roles in Hollywood for an important reason
Financial obstacles and fewer opportunities limit the development of numerous projects set up by Hispanic entrepreneurs. This has a negative impact on the national economy
The biggest city in the United States is, effectively, a pan-Latin city, with deep roots in the Hispanic world. A good part of New York’s identity is based on the strength of a language whose presence is constantly being renewed
Politics, health, business, education, culture and entertainment will be the focus of a newsroom working on the ground from New York to California. It will also be supported by one of the largest networks of journalists in the Spanish-speaking world
The upcoming U.S. presidential election will inevitably lead to a much-needed national reckoning on the state of the Latino community, forcing us to face questions we’ve feared to answer for far too long: Just how united are Latinos today? Can we truly call ourselves a tight- knit ‘community’?
The daughter of a Peruvian father and a Mexican mother, the vice president of Media Relations for the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce is the ultimate authority when it comes to giving out marble stars to celebrities
An aversion to providing personal details, lack of knowledge of the voting system and the belief that their ballot doesn’t count diminishes Hispanic participation at the polls
The National Museum of Mexican Art – located in the Pilsen neighborhood of the Windy City – is a home with open doors to the local community and the countless realities of cross-border and migrant identity
In the 2024 elections, Hispanic Americans will be — more than ever — the quiet force that will define the results. And, according to the polls, for the first time in history, Latino support for the Republican Party has surpassed this community’s intention to vote for the Democrats
This former Republican bastion has been voting for Democratic representatives since 2020 thanks to the Latino vote, which accounts for 25% of the total. But disillusionment with the current president, who won the state with a margin of 11,000 votes in 2020, could define the upcoming election
The Colombian reggaeton star is approaching 40 years of age with a new perspective on life, influenced by fatherhood and his decision to put mental health before work
It was the second time in a matter of months that Republicans have tried to oust their own speaker, an unheard-of level of party turmoil with a move rarely seen in U.S. history
The families of the victims have identified the bodies, which had gunshot wounds. The Baja California Prosecutor’s Office believes that the assailants wanted to steal their vehicle, but ended up killing them
The Mexican group has begun a series of concerts in the entertainment capital of the world, performing in the same venue that has seen the likes of Lady Gaga and Maroon 5