An Italian foundation that helped a young boy overcome Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome becomes the first non-profit in the world to request approval of these innovative treatments from the European Medicines Agency and the FDA
The researcher, a global liver damage expert, sounds the alarm over our limited awareness of the connection between drug consumption and rising death rates
A ‘bubble girl’ from Córdoba is cured of the disease thanks to an innovative treatment rescued by an Italian foundation when it was about to disappear due to its low profitability
A report by the OECD reveals that most national authorities want more international transparency when it comes to the purchase of drugs, but also that they refuse to report what they pay
Researchers from the universities of Zurich, Yale and Harvard reveal the differences between the characteristics of the patients who receive the drug during pharmaceutical testing and those who end up receiving it, which may reduce its safety and efficacy
The president of Medicines for Europe considers that the supply of essential drugs is at risk if governments do not allow the price of cheap drugs to be revised in line with inflation
Lenacapavir, an antiviral drug already approved as a treatment that costs $40,000 in the US, prevented 100% of infections in a study on African women with just two injections a year. UNAIDS is asking the drugmaker Gilead to reduce the cost in order to make it more widely available
Taking a single dose of doxycycline within 72 hours following high-risk contact can eliminate more than 80% of cases of two of the most common sexually transmitted infections
A center in Córdoba is leading a European study to determine the incidence of the disease, transmitted by rodents and the first diagnosis of which occurred in 2018 in Hong Kong
Emblaveo has been developed by Pfizer and AbbVie, with the help of the EU and the United States, and is effective against some multidrug-resistant infections that have been untreatable until now
The researcher, who revolutionized the discipline by describing new types of autoimmune encephalitis, is researching the consequences that these processes leave in the body
A legislative reform being prepared by the European Union plans to promote the use of already approved drugs to treat other illnesses. Doing so will speed up the approval of treatments and save on research costs
Frequency of injections, the body’s immune response and errors in the administration of the drug can shorten the amount of time a patient will enjoy their desired results
The United Kingdom has introduced restrictions for non-immunized children in Birmingham, while Romania has declared a national epidemic after three deaths were reported
Health authorities are encouraging countries to strengthen surveillance systems and to report any changes in the incidence or severity of detected cases
The commercial strategy of the pharmaceutical company Bluebird Bio, which left the EU after a dispute with Germany over the price of another drug, leaves dozens of minors suffering from a rare fatal hereditary disease with no treatment
The minutes of a meeting of the Advisory Forum of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control reveal how eradicating the virus was ruled out as being too costly and counterproductive