A study estimates that 24% of teenagers who use personal listening devices and nearly half of those who go to nightclubs and other entertainment locales are vulnerable due to unsafe listening practices
The human brain has a clock, located in the hypothalamus, which tells the rest of the body what time it is. This readies the body for life-sustaining processes like eating or waking up. But when these bodily mechanisms are disturbed – chronodisruption – it can lead to disease
Alberto Lleó, director of neurology at Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona, warns that the rise in neurodegenerative diseases will continue to squeeze healthcare systems
Aging, mechanical wear and tear of the joints and metabolic issues like obesity cause the painful and debilitating condition. Scientists are researching biomarkers to detect it early and drugs to slow its progression
According to a new study, the GRACE score, which is used by cardiologists to measure the risk of death after cardiac arrest, underestimates the risk of mortality in female patients
A new study reveals that lookalikes with no familial ties have similar genetic makeup. This discovery may have important implications within the forensic sciences
A study shows that tobacco, alcohol or poor eating habits were behind more than 4.45 million cancer deaths worldwide in 2019. Deaths from preventable causes have increased by 20% in the last decade
The most in-depth research on the long-term effects of Covid indicates that 13% of those who contracted the disease suffer from post-infection conditions
This very rare dermatological condition is caused by a genetic mutation that alters the process that forms the epidermis. One patient spoke out to ‘stop the stigmatization’
A full-term pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks. Over the course of 6,720 hours of fetal development, gynecologist Fàtima Crispi carefully monitors each step of this process
The repurposing of well-known drugs for new therapeutic indications is becoming an increasingly common approach to find new treatments for rare diseases and conditions like cancer and obesity
The scientific community points to factors such as obesity and endocrine disruptors for premature development in today’s children, a trend that mainly affects girls
The scientific evidence on how an infant develops, socializes and feeds offers multiple data to take into account about the psychomotor evolution of children
The US researcher, who recently accepted an honorary degree in Barcelona, defends the use of immunotherapy, either alone or in combination with other treatments, to combat tumors
Cluster headaches bring intense aching that sends patients to the brink of despair. In treatment-resistant cases, doctors put electrodes in the brain to control the episodes
The ECDC has raised the alarm about the spread of the bacteria among men who have sex with men. ‘Shigella sonnei’ causes stomach problems, such as diarrhea and gastric pain
It is the most lethal of tumors, with just 7% of patients surviving beyond five years, and researchers have struggled to make advances in terms of prognosis and detection
The Spanish researchers found that there were no significant differences in transmission between the over-sixes, who must wear face-coverings, and the under-sixes, who are exempt from the rule