The internet is not theirs: shifting towards a public service
Information, education and knowledge should not depend, or not exclusively, on the arbitrary decisions of a handful of Silicon Valley billionaires
Information, education and knowledge should not depend, or not exclusively, on the arbitrary decisions of a handful of Silicon Valley billionaires
Attributing a goal in life to living beings and to other people is surely a useful way to navigate the world, but that does not mean that it is the right thing to do
The U.S. neuroscientist, one of the most interesting scientific writers of our times, explains that each time we learn something, our neurons change. And that if someone loses their sight, part of the cells once in charge of seeing will begin to help them in another task, like listening
A dozen genetic-editing projects for crops in Africa are achieving incredible results. For more than 20 years, European countries have been repressing this technology, due to pressure from certain environmental groups
The war between living and silicon brains has raged since the days of Kasparov and ‘Deep Blue’, and it’s only intensified over the last few years
Major advances in scientific knowledge always precede technological innovation
21st-century medicine is informed by 19th-century genetic and embryological discoveries, while AI traces its origins to secret weapons research during World War II
Sick of genomes, proteomes and microbiomes? Get ready: the Human Immunome Project is coming
‘The Hollywood drug’ label doesn’t imply Ozempic is about tricking your brain to lose weight – it’s effective for Type II diabetes and reducing heart attack risk
The term is typically used for social media, but it can be extended to something much older: specialization
There are neuroscientists who care little or nothing about the big questions, and also farmers who are tortured by them
Years after the publication of this book — which turned its author into a global phenomenon — there is still pending doubt about the intellectual rigor of the work by Yuval Noah Harari
The two scientists awarded the Nobel Prize are Katalin Karikó, for Covid vaccines, and Anne L’Huillier, for a sharp look into the interior of the atom. Something is moving in Stockholm
Ian Wilmut, who died on Monday at age 79, was an honest scientist who found himself in the eye of the storm of the cloning controversy
Knowledge can only move forward through the confrontation of ideas, so let’s stop dragging our feet
A team of paleontologists believe they have found evidence of ceremonial burials dating back 240,000 years, long before ‘Homo sapiens’ came into existence
AI is a powerful tool for science and medicine
Director Christopher Nolan’s film about the physicist will hit theaters in June. The movie is based on ‘American Prometheus,’ a masterful biography that draws on 30 years of research about the rise and fall of the scientist who lent his talents to create the ultimate weapon
The goal of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s government is to protect 70 million Brazilians from dengue fever by releasing modified insects in urban areas
Joseph Henrich’s book argues that high literacy rates in the West has produced some of the strangest humans on the planet
A study of recent data from South Africa suggests there could be another uptick in infections due to two omicron subvariants, BA.4 and BA.5
Half a century ago, the Australian thinker was known as the radical philosopher of animal liberation. Now, his theories have changed legislation around the world, and he is publishing two new books in Spanish
Investigation suggests that a second, deadly version of virus may have gestated in Madrid
Officials accuse head of Barcelona Regenerative Medicine Center of prioritizing post in California
Juan Carlos Izpisúa is leaving the Barcelona Regenerative Medicine Center due to a lack of support The biochemist has earned numerous awards for his research into organ and tissue development
After four years in decline, scientific breakthroughs could help the industry, which employs thousands of people