Offended words
To talk about the police’s “torture methods” on October 1 in Barcelona is an affront to all the people in the world who have suffered and continue to endure real torture
To talk about the police’s “torture methods” on October 1 in Barcelona is an affront to all the people in the world who have suffered and continue to endure real torture
The PP has not learned the lesson about where lying leads a party and now seems to have vowed to deceive its own voters
It seems that it is ridiculous to speak out, to denounce corruption, abuses, injustices and crimes
The phrase "I love my country" is invariably grandiloquent, opportunistic and fallacious, and uttered to please a jingoistic element
The bankers and politicians who have squandered have spoiled Spain’s image, not those who reveal corruption
In the field of the arts and journalism this is turning out to be a bad year, particularly in Spain
People take statistical probabilities for an oracle, forgetting the element of uncertainty
The Rajoy government has picked on culture, education, science and research as the preferred victims of its cutbacks
The government has changed the rules so that CNI intelligence agents can be employed by companies
The Spanish government seems to think that people who are suffering hardship are lazy or just plain dumb
It is not fair to say that Spain’s intelligentsia has been asleep on the watch as boom turned to bust
Are government pardons so exceptional as we imagined? Not at all. All our prime ministers in recent decades have given them out with generous hands
In an age when subjectivity is viewed as some sort of crime, the Duke of Edinburgh keeps on shooting from the hip
The right is tough on immigration but soft on mafias and casino tycoons
The crisis is no longer a distraction; the one remaning hope. Is Spain headed for a return to the Franco Era?
Imagine a country where graft and robbery are no longer smiled on and the corrupt “acquitted” by their voters
Calls for the Spanish king to abdicate because he likes to shoot animals are proof that neurosis is now the norm
Messi may be a truly marvelous player, but off the field there is something missing