Repsol may lose another concession in Argentina
Fourth province poised to revoke license on oil field it claims Spanish company is neglecting
Fourth province poised to revoke license on oil field it claims Spanish company is neglecting
Prime Minister Monti accused Spain of not paying "attention to its accounts"
Spaniard hails pit-lane crew for role in "surprise" victory after starting eighth on the grid
Pilar Valiente was forced to resign from securities commission over massive financial scandal
Exit poll puts conservatives on verge of control in Andalusia with turnout below 2008 levels
Decision follows court ruling contract on the construction of the line as illegal Plan had originally been agreed by ex-PM Aznar and Portuguese counterpart Barroso
Deputy Prime Minister calls law "one of the most important reforms of Mariano Rajoy’s political program"
Three-pronged proposal covers public contracts, right to information and good governance Rajoy: “Citizens will be able to find out who is spending money in all the agencies”
Same magistrates that handed down original sentence reject arguments
Two male nurses charged with injecting 16 people with morphine at hospitals in Montevideo Officials investigate possible total of 200 cases
Tremors cause widespread panic in south of Mexico but no deaths reported
Complaint describes how two women were offered favors to deny seeing convicted terrorist
Argentina says no to nationalization but then backtracks after controversial removal of drilling licenses
Prosecutor sees no flight risk while sentence is appealed The 2-5-million-euro bail posted by Matas is considered guarantee
Hat-trick against Granada sees Argentinean become Barça’s top scorer with 234 goals
Jaume Matas found guilty of fraud, influence peddling, embezzlement, falsifying documents and dereliction of his public duties
Fundación Tanja founder Rosa Cañadas is working to bring Spain closer to its African neighbor
World number two lets loose over Canal + France satire show
Police say network had a “direct implication” in positive tests at Beijing Olympics
Striker wants extension but Real subsidy dries up in May
Prado-La Caixa joint venture is first show of dark master in Catalan city for 35 years
Public foundations will also be merged or eliminated
Government obligations reach 68.5 percent of GDP at fourth quarter’s end Analysts predict Spain won’t meet its 2012 deficit target Catalonia tops list of regions with highest public debt
Figure in Andalusia lay-off fund fraud trial is lower than prosecutor's demand
After eight years in charge at the Madrid theater, Mario Gas will leave in July
Barça player sets wedding for one week after Euro 2012 final
Popular Party chief proposes pricing medicines based on family income