
Bail set at 686 million euros for ex-labor chief in ERE case

Figure in Andalusia lay-off fund fraud trial is lower than prosecutor's demand

The judge investigating a case involving alleged fraudulent payouts from a public lay-off fund has set bail of 686 million euros for the former labor chief in the Andalusian government, Javier Guerrero, who has been behind bars since last Saturday.

The figure set by Judge Mercedes Alaya was actually lower than the 933 million euros being demanded by the prosecutor. The measure has been taken, sources close to the case told news agency EFE, given the civil responsibility of the accused, rather than with a view to him avoiding prison.

The ERE case, as the scandal has become known, revolved around corrupt officials in Andalusia with access to more than 600 million euros in funds from the government destined to help financially strapped companies in the region make severance payments to workers being laid off. However, payments were allegedly made to the friends and family of the suspects, including the mother-in-law of Guerrero.

“Solid evidence”

The judge said she had set the bail following the “principle of proportionality, moderation, just measures and balance,” as well as due to the “solid evidence” against Guerrero, who was labor chief in Andalusia from 1999 to 2008.

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