The world’s glaciers are losing three Olympic-sized swimming pools every second: WMO warns of ‘avalanche of cascading impacts’
The World Meteorological Organization highlights the threat posed by ice melting to water supply and rising sea levels
The World Meteorological Organization highlights the threat posed by ice melting to water supply and rising sea levels
This expert defends urban agriculture as a way to improve community ties and promote healthy eating habits, but he also warns about hyper-technological crops, a growing trend that venture capital is already eyeing with interest
The chief scientist at The Nature Conservancy and Texas Tech professor thinks that ‘no person nor any government’ can stop the fight against climate change
Italian climatologist Carlo Buontempo regrets that society has not been able to take advantage of the abundant scientific information available on the planet’s climate imbalance
Last year was the warmest on record and the first time the average temperature surpassed the 1.5-degree Celsius threshold above pre-industrial levels
There is no out-of-control engineering causing damage or drought, but the threat of climate change is increasing interest in some countries in techniques to alter the weather
The scientist presents a new book in which he predicts drastic changes in Europe due to the lack of energy and materials
Although this type of plastic pollution usually enters the human body in very small concentrations, it is precisely its tiny size that is alarming scientists
Scientists from the University of Exeter have documented the massive movement of arthropods through Bujaruelo, where researchers detected up to more than 3,000 flies per meter and minute
Although farmers place part of the blame on products coming in from outside the country, three out of every four citrus fruits consumed in the European Union are Spanish
It is difficult to imagine a future without coal, oil, or gas, since the world is dependent on them in countless applications, but alternatives already exist that can drastically reduce their use
An analysis of the evolution of the planet’s climate can be made by following the human carbon footprint, as well as the traces left by rising temperatures in tree rings, ice and sediment
From shade maps to applications to find drinking fountains and from drainage systems to white roofs, cities are looking for solutions to create cool spaces
In a new book, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) scientist warns against the mistaken idea that we are headed for a societal collapse, which he considers counterproductive: ‘It’s a myth, it’s not about science, it’s about ideology’
Harvard researchers show that the fossil fuel company knew about the danger of climate change, but denied it publicly for decades
Rewilding Europe chose a territory with a population density as low as Mongolia’s for Iberian Highlands, where they hope to introduce a supersized breed of cattle based on the extinct Aurochs
The fascinating world of arthropods is shrinking, but it’s still so large that little is known about many species, and some have yet to be identified
The most radical current of thought posits that transitioning to renewable energy is unfeasible and argues that the only way to avoid disaster is to reduce consumption drastically. But some environmentalists warn about the dangers of this view
While the geopolitical situation hinders progress on the fight to contain global warming, the extreme temperatures that Europe and the US are experiencing show its rapid advance
Sofía Heinonen, head of the Rewilding Argentina Foundation, says it took 15 years to get people to support the comeback of the largest land predator on the continent
Marine biologist Enric Sala explains that predators are key to the functioning of the ecosystems that provide so many services to humans
The government is calling on developers to withdraw ‘contentious’ plans that are unlikely to be approved in order to ease the backlog that is affecting the authorization of new projects
Years of legal fights against untrammeled development have left a trail of half-built structures and establishments that are operating without a license
A project spanning 39 years and 255 authors has found that 22% of species in the Iberian peninsula do not grow anywhere else in the world
A citizen-driven bill that aims to protect the largest saltwater lagoon in Europe needs to secure 276,000 more signatures before October 28 if is to be considered by parliament
The health crisis is having an unexpected effect in some urban centers: motorists are losing space while cyclists are gaining it. EL PAÍS has examined how Spanish cities, as well as some in Europe and the Americas, are adapting their cycleways to the new mobility reality
Known for his climbing feats, the elite athlete has started a foundation to protect mountain environments and pledged to restrict his own travel to reduce his carbon footprint