And God gave us Trump
The ex-US president has proven he can survive aggressive attacks every time we think he has finally been defeated
The ex-US president has proven he can survive aggressive attacks every time we think he has finally been defeated
The late statesman often said power is the most potent stimulant because it offers impunity and amnesia
While historians may dwell on the civil rights leader’s extramarital affairs, we must not lose sight of his heroism in the face of injustice
I learned in New York that the deranged homeless man who keeps silent in his bubble of invisibility can be ignored without annoyance. The one who breaks into speech and screams becomes a menace
Spanish politics is as destructive as the coronavirus. There will one day be a vaccine against the latter, but there seems to be no remedy for the former If we don’t do something, these people will be the ruin of us all
Both Europe and the US love what they see as Spain’s quaint backwardness so much that they feel insulted when we explain to them how much we have changed
Remembering New York before the advance of high street uniformity
The best lesson of this season in New York comes from another country, from one's other city, where it never gets this cold, indoors or out
The masculine, serene Camus of the photographs became a man harassed, verbally and physically, by those who had once been his friend
In Indonesia, in less than a year, about a million people were murdered as a consequence of a military coup d'état
A waiter was on his way to work last week when he was killed by a hit-and-run driver
Dionisio Ridruejo and Ferran Planes narrate two distinct, complementary tales
We see the young man who arrived in New York, relieved of the weight of the immediate past, lived there with his eyes open every day, and returned to Spain a changed man
Just as amazing as the Spanish cultural heritage is the indifference and even hostility that Spaniards feel for it
Some painters, given over to the material aspects of their art, like to let on that literature is a closed book to them
Normal people are disinclined to kill or die, unless they have been brutalized by fanaticism
When I was a child, more houses than now were built against the wall, like organisms that had grown out of it
The employment statistics, and the long faces of politicians, counsel resignation or emigration for today's young arts graduates
Our addiction to reading would not exist without the habit of perpetual writing