What’s in store for the global economy in 2023?
The key question for the year ahead is whether central banks will be able to curb inflation without cratering economies in an environment of high volatility and geopolitical tension
The key question for the year ahead is whether central banks will be able to curb inflation without cratering economies in an environment of high volatility and geopolitical tension
The European Parliament will vote on a reform in March to impose a common corporate fiscal system for all companies operating physically or virtually in Europe
The speech by Felipe VI marked the first time a Spanish head of state has addressed the WEF meeting
Output for 2018 projected to grow by 2.4%; it is the only advanced economy not to get upward revision
Former US ambassador to Spain warns of Russian interference in western democracies
Spanish companies could recover human capital that emigrated to Britain during the crisis
Goldman Sachs report says prospect of new general election is highly likely
Forum organized by EL PAÍS unites experts including Brazilian ex-president Lula da Silva
Japanese and Galician officials to work together to promote temple circuits among tourists
Move caused by the tension between Madrid and Barcelona, which is likely to increase
Trans-Pacific Partnership shines light on countries that are still dependent on raw materials Slowdown of emerging economies also revealing the many chinks in the region’s armor
Boss of world's biggest hedge fund offers his views on Spain and the Chinese crisis
Experts agree region needs to improve education, transport and the business climate
Foreign fund managers are demanding clauses in contracts amid tense climate
HSBC economist Matteo Cominetta warns that the European recovery will be limited if investment does not pick up fast
Diplomat becomes first Latin American to lead the international trade agency
Paul Krugman sees a mere glimmer of hope in last week's EU deal on banking union and bond purchases