Why breaking things or going for a run doesn’t make you less angry
Although letting off steam by releasing energy is what we feel like doing when we’re mad, the most effective way to calm down is doing an activity that decreases arousal
Although letting off steam by releasing energy is what we feel like doing when we’re mad, the most effective way to calm down is doing an activity that decreases arousal
On the verge of turning 90, the Cuban economist analyzes with data why this is the worst crisis the island has ever faced and reflects on the apparent arrival of capitalism to the last communist bastion of the West
Prices exceed 30% of average income in urban areas in almost all parts of the country. Experts talk about ‘a second gentrification’ of people who were expelled from city centers to the periphery and now find themselves pushed beyond that
The regional director of WHO Europe discusses what was learned from the Covid-19 health emergency, and what can be done to address falling vaccination rates and rising numbers of STIs
A group of Gazan swimmers had been training for years, overcoming restrictions and a lack of resources to represent Palestine at the Olympic Games. Bombs cut short both plans and lives. Their story reveals the extent of the destruction of a society that strived for normalcy
In the short documentary ‘Until He’s Back,’ Jacqueline Baylon describes the obstacle course that a Moroccan family goes through to recover the body of their son, who drowned when he was trying to reach Spain. The Mexican filmmaker emigrated to the United States at the age of six, crossing the Rio Grande with her mother
The scientist spoke with EL PAÍS about the association between smell and memory. ‘It’s the only sense that’s not filtered by the brain,’ she notes, pointing out how scent goes directly to the amygdala — which processes emotions — and the hippocampus, which has a major role in memory. López-Mascaraque also discussed the future of disease detection and criminal investigation through olfaction
The state government has been transferring the death row population in the infamous San Quentin prison to dozens of penitentiaries across California. EL PAÍS visited Kevin Cooper, who has been awaiting execution for 39 years for a crime he maintains he didn’t commit