Humans are one of the species that spend the most amount of energy on having a baby
The first global calculation shows that the metabolic cost of reproduction is three times higher for mammals than it is for cold-blooded animals
The first global calculation shows that the metabolic cost of reproduction is three times higher for mammals than it is for cold-blooded animals
The discovery of a server with material from Amazon and Max series once again exposes an open industry secret: outsourcing to Kim Jong-un’s regime despite international sanctions
The Australian director reflects on the dispute between the actors nine years after the film’s release: ‘There’s a tendency in this business to use great performances as an excuse for other disruption that could be avoided.’ Before filming the new movie, he spoke with Anya Taylor-Joy and Chris Hemsworth to ensure their physical and mental safety
The Venezuelan president, like Hugo Chávez, has denounced multiple plots against him, and has remained in his residence for long periods due to these safety concerns
The group, led by Denmark, supports Italy’s controversial model based on sending asylum seekers to Albania. The petition comes shortly before European elections at a time when immigration has become a hot button issue
The Javier Milei administration accuses social leaders of coercion in their management of state-funded assistance for the needy. The organizations demand that food delivery be reactivated for soup kitchens
Throughout its history the team from Hamburg, known as ‘the most progressive in the world,’ has maintained friendships and cultural ties with several Latin American countries
An investigation by the newspaper ‘The Guardian’ reveals that the alleged events occurred between the late 1980s and 2014. Copperfield denies the accusations
The flight of 450,000 people from Rafah after seven months of forced displacement in the Strip provides the backdrop to a particularly symbolic anniversary of the expulsion seven decades ago
No attempt on a leader’s life is innocuous, especially not in places with such a dense history as central Europe. And much less in a time as volatile as the current one
Washington is looking to send Patriot batteries, says Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the end of his visit to Kyiv