Spanish literary great Javier Marías dies at 70
The novelist, translator and columnist, who won numerous international literary awards, passed away on Sunday in Madrid
The novelist, translator and columnist, who won numerous international literary awards, passed away on Sunday in Madrid
Ukrainian forces have retaken dozens of towns and villages near the border and caused Russian troops to retreat
A woman who charmed her way into Italian high society was collecting intelligence about NATO for her Moscow spymasters
Part of the younger population relate more to William or Henry than to the new king
‘Women have been brainwashed all our lives. That’s the fact of it,’ the actress said about the scene that sparked a debate about the taboos of nude bodies of women over 45
Five things that have changed since the dating app launched in 2012
The Prince of Wales and his wife invited the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to greet the people paying tribute to Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle, in an image that entails a gesture of public reconciliation
During her seven decades of reign, the British sovereign met with all the US leaders in power at the time, with one exception: Lyndon Johnson