Why marijuana plantations are spreading across southern Spain
With seizures jumping eighteenfold in Almería province, authorities warn that growers are passing off illegal cannabis as hemp for industrial use
With seizures jumping eighteenfold in Almería province, authorities warn that growers are passing off illegal cannabis as hemp for industrial use
Corbevax, developed by the microbiologist María Elena Bottazzi and her team, could provide the answer to supply and accessibility problems worldwide. India has already granted emergency use authorization
Alberto Garzón sparked public debate during an interview with the UK daily, where the opposition claims he damaged the livestock industry’s reputation. His party says the uproar is based on a hoax, but even its coalition partner has reacted frostily
The sixth coronavirus wave is straining staff at hospitals and medical centers and exacerbating the pressure faced by an already-overwhelmed system
El Roto cartoon, January 12, 2022
In 26 provinces, Covid-19 patients are occupying more than 25% of intensive care beds, while five regions are seeing the highest number of regular hospital admissions since the beginning of the vaccination drive
Bruno Polo, who contracted the virus before Christmas, last summer and in 2020, warns that the true spread may be going undetected if people are not getting tested