The universe is dying
More than two decades ago, the Hubble Space Telescope began to show us the fate of the stars, galaxies and, by extension, the cosmos, which is in irreversible decline
More than two decades ago, the Hubble Space Telescope began to show us the fate of the stars, galaxies and, by extension, the cosmos, which is in irreversible decline
Preliminary studies indicate the new coronavirus strain is highly transmissible, even among the vaccinated, but can be controlled with booster shots and other measures
There is a general perception that cases are soaring and that the real incidence is much higher than what is being reported. Could this be true?
Experts from Seville University may have solved one of the holy grails of archaeology thanks to digital terrain modeling, which has identified a monumental structure in the Bay of Cádiz
El Roto cartoon, December 17, 2021
Fewer than three out of 20 youths have moved out of their parents’ house. The under-30s on average salaries need to spend 82% of income to rent their own place
In a bid to curb the transmission, the Catalan government has announced that all close contacts will have to quarantine even if they are fully vaccinated