CORONAVIRUSWhat students think about going back to school amid the health crisisBeatriz Lucas|Madrid|Sep 11, 2020 - 18:30 CESTTwelve children and teenagers from Spain discuss how they feel about face masks, social distancing and class bubbles – and what politicians got wrong when dealing with the coronavirus crisis
DIADA 2020Covid-19 concerns reduce scale of Catalonia Day celebrationsPere Ríos / Camilo S. Baquero / El País|Barcelona|Sep 11, 2020 - 17:29 CESTPro-independence association ANC defends the need for the public events despite a call by the Barcelona Medical Association to cancel them
JUSTICESpanish court sends ex-colonel to prison for 1989 Jesuit killings in El SalvadorJ. J. Gálvez / El País|Madrid|Sep 11, 2020 - 16:08 CESTOver three decades after a massacre that drew international attention, Inocente Orlando Montano was found guilty of “terrorist” crimes
CORONAVIRUSSpain reports record rise in coronavirus cases: 10,764 in 24 hours Pablo Linde|Madrid|Sep 11, 2020 - 10:24 CESTBut health authorities say transmission is “stabilizing,” while the fatality rate has fallen to 0.6%
EDUCATIONFirst Madrid student tests positive for Covid-19: ‘The mother brought her in knowing she could have coronavirus’ Victoria Torres Benayas|Madrid|Sep 11, 2020 - 09:59 CESTSince schools reopened, 53 cases have been detected in educational centers across Spain, according to the education minister
IMMIGRATIONSpanish government to open new shelters in Canary Islands amid surge in migrant arrivals Guillermo Vega|Las Palmas de Gran Canaria|Sep 11, 2020 - 08:26 CESTMore than 4,000 people have arrived in the archipelago since the beginning of the year, a sevenfold rise on the same period in 2019
17:27The Israeli who supports release of jihadist who masterminded the attack that killed his family: ‘It is more important that the hostages return alive’
16:33Lily Allen, Duffy, Amy Winehouse and Florence Welch: The struggles of a seemingly cursed generation of singers
15:13Ukrainian soldiers fighting North Koreans: ‘They shoot well, they move well, but they are used as cannon fodder’