Mas and Rajoy open EU- Mediterranean summit in Barcelona
Catalan premier and Spanish PM coincide at meeting to discuss immigration and terrorism
Catalan premier and Spanish PM coincide at meeting to discuss immigration and terrorism
Thousands pour out on to the streets of São Paulo to demand Rousseff’s resignation
Portugal’s capital is experiencing a tourism boom like no other major European city EL PAÍS singles out some of its lesser-known spots in search of the secrets of its success
Although it lacks iconic landmarks, the Portuguese capital still draws growing numbers of visitors thanks to its laid-back charm
Cardinal Antonio María Rouco is reported to have moved into a €1.7m apartment in Madrid Figures from inside and outside the Church are calling for protests against his life of luxury
US leader holds meeting with Raúl Castro, but declines to take country off terrorism list
Ciudadanos continues to rise rapidly, confirming that four parties will vie for power at polls
The fiscal burden of citizens in 2014 was the highest seen in at least two decades With elections looming and signs of recovery in sight, households may get some relief
The 320 inhabitants of Fanzara have invited graffiti artists to decorate the entire town