Mexican army detains eight soldiers over Tlatlaya massacre
The government had previously claimed that the casualties were the result of skirmishes
The government had previously claimed that the casualties were the result of skirmishes
Voters who climbed out of poverty under Lula’s administration will hold the key to the October polls
The 84-year-old former nationalist leader explains hidden fortune revelations to regional deputies
Forecast, which includes creation of 348,200 jobs, comes despite effect of euro-zone slowdown
PM Rajoy and President Xi Jinping stress strength of relations during key Beijing meeting
Michael Fassbender is the man in the papier-mâché mask in comedy drama ‘Frank’
A missionary group is raising awareness about children accused of witchcraft in the African country
Manuel García Viejo, who was being treated in Spain, became infected in Sierra Leone
The group was operating in areas known to be bases for sending terrorists to combat zones