Independent Catalonia would be left out of the EU, Brussels insists
Reminder comes one day after advisory committee said region would likely be allowed to stay
Reminder comes one day after advisory committee said region would likely be allowed to stay
Magistrate Pablo Ruz argues that Spain’s international commitments come before legal reforms
Nairobi Pinto, who works for the pro-opposition Globovisión network, was found unharmed
Nobel Prize-winning author said to be suffering from terminal cancer Family acknowledges his “delicate health” and requests privacy
A one-time victim of domestic abuse has created a foundation to help women in the same situation She talks about how she escaped her own personal hell and how she turned an idea into reality
More than 2,000 people march in in central Madrid to demand the monarchy be abolished
Smugglers being forced to use alternative routes following crackdowns in Mexico
Andalusia, Ceuta, Melilla, the Canary Islands and Extremadura all more than triple the average
Wholesalers in the Catalan city are thought to have defrauded the state of around €64 million “Some have carried on as they did before, but there is more order now,” says one trader
Men were arrested following a fight that was started by one of them inside a bar
Opposition conservatives may benefit from sense of “leftist chaos” in region Relationship between Socialists and United Left comes under increasing strain