“Spain is a great nation and worth fighting for,” Felipe tells ceremony
Photographer Annie Leibovitz among Prince of Asturias Awards winners
Photographer Annie Leibovitz among Prince of Asturias Awards winners
Sochi success in sights of downhill winner at Méribel
Mayor puts decision down to lack of consensus
President Rousseff introduces bill in answer to alleged US spying activities in her country
Brazil's president calls for a conference to discuss the rules for Internet use and to prevent spying
First-time Barça and Real coaches will author the script of Saturday’s clash
Members of the opposition say the Front for Victory, commonly referred to as Kirchnerismo, is trying to seize the youth vote.
BBVA cuts cash dividend payment in line with central bank recommendation
Juan Manuel Píriz released after 29 years in prison
From generous donations to downing Higgs Boson ale, the 2013 Prince of Asturias Award winners have been out in Oviedo in the run-up to the ceremony
President Maduro creates new office to supervise social programs coming out of Havana
Sareb received over 30 offers for commercial real estate
The United States cannot go on declining to explain its espionage practices
Increasing numbers of attacks against NGOs have reopened debates about safety
Remembering the woman who pioneered modern art
‘Grand Piano’ stars Elijah Wood as a star musician making a comeback from a breakdown
The success of the nationwide Fiesta del Cine event has reopened the debate on ticket costs
Initial optimism about Obama’s foreign-policy aims has given way to some hard questions, starting with the use of drones
The agency tracked communications from government members Officials hint that spying took place during Zapatero era