Bamboo, the world’s all-purpose, fastest-growing grass
Two biologists have created Europe’s first botanical laboratory for non-invasive bamboo species in Spain’s Guadalquivir valley
Two biologists have created Europe’s first botanical laboratory for non-invasive bamboo species in Spain’s Guadalquivir valley
Two studies analyze how the disappearance of the Y chromosome or the expression of its genes aggravates some tumors
The analysis of 90 scientific investigations concludes that living alone and having few social relationships shortens life
The Colombian is one of the authors of a recent study published in ‘Nature’ that warns that we have exceeded seven of the eight variables that they evaluated for maintaining a healthy and just planet
The experiment attained precise measurements using a processor of only 127 qubits and an error mitigation strategy
A U.S. project sterilized six felines over four years. The single dose opens an alternative route to surgery
Dutch citizen Gert-Jan Oskam, 40, was left paralyzed after a bicycle accident. He can now climb stairs with the help of crutches
An international consortium published a genetic blueprint of humanity that better reflects the spectrum of human diversity and heralds a “fairer” era in medicine
Hair loses its natural color when it lacks the cells capable of providing it. A study provides new clues to understand the origin of gray hair
The Spanish researcher from University College London took part in a macro-study that applies the theory of evolution to the fight against tumors
The scientific accomplishment raises the distant possibility of using the same technique for people, though experts caution that no one knows whether it would work for humans
A team of researchers has been able to trace the exact dimensions of the so-called north-facing corridor, although its purpose remains unknown
Researchers analyzed more than 200 Bronze Age skeletal remains in museum collections in Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Hungary and the Czech Republic
The so-called ‘Düsseldorf Patient’ – a 53-year-old man – has not had any antiretroviral treatment and has been virus-free for four years
Each of the six objects looks to weigh billions of times more than our sun
An experiment has highlighted the vulnerability of the current encryption system – something of concern to companies and governments all over the world
A Dutch team has succeeded in exchanging qubits between distant nodes with no direct connection between sender and receiver