Religious leaders across the US are preparing strategies to protect immigrants from raids, which the Republican president will now allow in places of worship
Donald Trump won the election with the promise of deporting 11 million migrants, Joe Biden restricted the right to asylum at the border and states like Texas rebelled against Washington’s response to the migration crisis
A collective made up of writer Valeria Luiselli, Ricardo Giraldo and Leo Heiblum presents the piece’s Study #1 and #2 at the land-focused Día Art Foundation
The BBC documentary ‘America’s New Female Right’ profiles three activists and influencers playing a role in the war against feminism, immigration and LGBTQ+ rights. It does little to help understand the social and electoral wave that is beating back progress
Trump-fueled conspiracies are fueling threats against officials like Bill Gates. One county supervisor in the swing state of Arizona stepped down after being diagnosed with PTSD
The community fears that the massive deportations promised by the Republican candidate, justified by an 18th-century law, will lead to the expulsion of immigrants with residency permits as well as American citizens
The vice president’s campaign is seeking to regain the vote of the male electorate, which is more inclined to align with Donald Trump than female Hispanics
Several billboards will display messages welcoming immigrants in Ohio, Arizona, Texas, Colorado, and Wisconsin to counter the Republican rhetoric that criminalizes them
The example of Arizona, where the departure of 40% of unauthorized migrants led to an annual reduction of 2% of GDP, provides clues as to what may happen at the national level if the Republican candidate delivers on his promise
Unidos US confirms Harris leads Trump by 27 points heading into November 5. However, 55% have not been contacted by Democrats or Republicans to register to vote
Hispanic voters participate the least in elections, and not only because of their alleged political apathy. Despite federal protections, states have implemented rules to make access to voting more difficult
There is a proliferation of ‘bikini baristas,’ girls who make and serve coffee in revealing clothing, reviving the macho spirit of Hooters for the millennial generation
Pennsylvania, the most populous, offers the biggest reward in votes: 19. The candidates need to win it at all costs to secure the keys to the White House
With Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance’s visit to ground zero of the immigration crisis, and new polls showing Kamala Harris narrowing Donald Trump’s lead, the race is on to win the only swing state that borders Mexico
The US vice president has better prospects with Hispanics than Biden and her campaign hopes that the change of candidate will serve to reverse the loss of votes to the Republicans