
Abortion, minimum wage and marijuana: what else will states vote for on Election Day?

On November 5, voters in 41 territories will decide on 147 ballot measures that address some of the most important issues for many citizens

Voting stickers at a Missouri polling place in October 2022.Kansas City Star (TNS)
Alonso Martínez

During Election Day in the United States, citizens will not only decide the presidency and vice presidency — choosing between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump — but on their ballots they will also be able to determine the future of important state measures. These include the protection of the right to abortion in several states, minimum wage adjustments, legalization of recreational cannabis, election law reforms, and other policies that will directly affect daily life and the legal framework in their communities.

Voters will also have the opportunity to elect their representatives in Congress, both in the House and the Senate. Similarly, in many state and local jurisdictions, elections for governors, judges, prosecutors and other key positions will also be at stake, reinforcing the impact of this election day on all levels of government. Here are the main issues that will be on the ballot in several states.

Abortion legislation

Our Bodies Our Lives
Reproductive rights rally in Miami, Florida, on September 14, 2024.CRISTOBAL HERRERA-ULASHKEVICH (EFE)

Minimum wage increase

Drug legislation

A worker at a cannabis farm in Camarillo, California, in February 2023. The Washington Post (The Washington Post via Getty Im)

Other important measures

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