Samples collected from sewage sites in several areas of the capital, Harare, late last year showed the presence of a mutated polio virus that originated in an oral vaccine used in the global eradication effort
The division between ECOWAS and the Alliance of Sahel States heralds a West Africa separated into antagonistic blocs, with different currencies, obliged to understand each other
The injection not only interrupts the transmission of the virus, which kills on average 50% of those who become infected, but also increases the survival rate among those who had already been infected before receiving the dose, according to research by Doctors Without Borders published in ‘The Lancet’
The Elephants defeated Nigeria 2-1 in Sunday’s final to claim the country’s third title after wins in 1992 and 2015. It set off unbridled celebrations that lasted through the night
Human rights activists denounce mass arrests of people accused of homosexuality and extortion by security forces. Same-sex relationships are sentenced to up to 14 years in prison in the African country
Spanish scientist Patricia Casas shares her four-year battle with the Buruli ulcer. A new study suggests that mosquitoes transmit this neglected disease
U.N. warns that Europe may have to deal with a rise in the numbers of Sudanese refugees if a cease-fire agreement isn’t signed soon between Sudan’s warring sides
The United Kingdom’s cuts to international development funding threaten to reverse the path towards eliminating the so-called neglected tropical diseases in several African countries
Ivory Coast has invested around $1 billion in the organization of this competition. Despite positive economic impacts in the short-term — as well as the exhibition of ‘soft power’ inside and outside the continent — there are doubts about the future profitability of the newly-built infrastructure
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has endorsed the deal as an important initiative and the fruit of necessary ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking to address the migration issue
This substance, responsible for the death of dozens of users every week, contains cannabis, fentanyl, tramadol and formaldehyde, although legend also claims that it is made from pulverized human bones
Coaches and clubs in Europe’s top leagues have been known to put pressure on African players not to play for their national teams or to skip the tournament, and it can be a balancing act
Moscow agrees to strengthen its military cooperation with Niger while the Rosatom company commits to developing nuclear energy in Mali and Burkina Faso
The 75 artifacts belonging to Mandela are to go under the hammer on Feb. 22 in a deal between New York-based auctioneers Guernsey’s and Mandela’s family,
The International Organization for Migration warns of a humanitarian emergency due to the significant amount of victims; at least 3,863 people lost their lives last year trying to cross a European border
An exhibition traces centuries of the history, traditions and artistic influences of the two shores of the Mediterranean through 200 pieces, some of them being shown for the first time
The terrorist group maintains multiple affiliates with the capacity to carry out high-impact attacks, especially in Asia and Africa, despite its weakening in Syria and Iraq
A decade ago, the country suffered from the world’s highest rates of the disease, but an unprecedented health campaign has made it the first nation on track to beat the epidemic, according to the WHO. Now it wants the rest of the continent to be able to follow in its footsteps
Sara Aminiyan Llopis / Anna Enrech Calbet|Labé (Guinea) / Barcelona|
Djénabou Bélla Diallo, whose clitoris was cut as a child, is now a midwife and renounces the practice. But the custom is still very common in Guinea-Conakry, which has the world’s second highest population of mutilated females