
Chile foundation denounces destruction by offroad drivers of ancient geoglyphs in Atacama Desert

The geometric, zoomorphic and anthropomorphic figures are large, some almost 100 feet in height, and experts note that it is hard to claim not to have seen them

Damage to ancient geoglyphs in Chile's Atacama Desert.
Damage to ancient geoglyphs in Chile's Atacama Desert.Fundación Desierto de Atacama

The Atacama Desert Foundation has denounced on social media the destruction of the ancient geoglyphs of Alto Barranco, in the far north of Chile. The non-profit organization said the damage has been caused by drivers of motorcycles and 4x4 vehicles that circulate through the Caramucho sector, south of the commune of Iquique, in the Tarapacá region. The images show numerous wheel tracks that have erased the geometric and zoomorphic figures that, according to reports, were made by pre-Hispanic peoples between the years 1000 and 1540 AD on the slopes of the hills and were traditionally used by people as guidance along the routes.

“Where you leave your mark is your decision. Don’t do it on the geoglyphs. Not on the history of this land,” reads the post shared on Sunday through its Instagram account (@fundacion_desierto_atacama) by an organization that works for the “protection, conservation and enhancement of the archaeological, historical, cultural and natural heritage of the Atacama Desert.” The figures are large, some are almost 100 feet (30 meters), so experts note that it is difficult for those responsible for the damage not to have seen them.

The foundation says that the archaeological site has been preserved thanks to the natural conditions of the Atacama Desert, characterized by a semi-arid climate and the absence of rainfall. However, they point out that the actions of “motorcyclists and jeepers seriously threaten its millennial existence.” Luis Pérez, an archaeologist and director of the Regional Museum of Iquique, the regional capital of Tarapacá, said that the situation is “overwhelming and desperate” because once the news of the damage passes, it is likely that they will continue to lose geoglyphs.

“Since 2021, this has been formally reported to the Prosecutor’s Office, as part of the work that we do at the Regional Museum. It must be understood that damage to national monuments is not a misdemeanor, it is a crime. In this case it is very serious, because it is irreversible damage... it cannot be restored,” he told Expreso Bio Bio. The First Environmental Court said that, so far, they have not received any complaints regarding the destruction of the Alto Barranco geoglyphs, according to the radio station Cooperativa.

To create the geoglyphs, pre-Hispanic people used a technique in which the surface material is extracted, which creates a contrast with the natural surface of the hill, representing geometric, zoomorphic and anthropomorphic figures. It is believed that they were built with the purpose of being guides on the routes for travelers who crossed different ecological zones, and to indicate water flows, local rites or to express ownership, according to the Ministry of National Assets. In Chile, geoglyphs are considered Archaeological Monuments (AM). They belong to the State and do not require a designation process.

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