“Latin America still owes a debt to the poor,” says pope on Ecuador visit
Pontiff begins nine-day regional tour that will also take him to Bolivia and Paraguay
Pontiff begins nine-day regional tour that will also take him to Bolivia and Paraguay
EL PAÍS correspondents choose their favorite thoroughfares in the cities where they live
Francis tells president he is willing “to take on any necessary role” to reach an accord
Cuban leader says he'll return to Catholic Church if pontiff “continues like this”
The pope’s minister of economy reveals details of fiscal chaos within the Holy See
Pontiff confirms he set investigation into alleged ring of pedophile priests in motion
Legionaries of Christ given Vatican’s blessing to continue as an official movement
Pope Francis gives an unprecedented news conference about current Church issues The Vatican won’t change its position on women becoming priests, pontiff says
The pontiff urges the youth to fight against corruption
Pontiff calls on youths not to fall into “loneliness and emptiness” of money and power
Jorge Mario Bergoglio begins first official visit to home continent Thousands swarm pontiff’s vehicle as it enters Rio de Janeiro
Pontiff calls on two countries to work toward peace