Castro thanks pope for helping US and Cuba patch up relations
Cuban leader says he'll return to Catholic Church if pontiff “continues like this”
Cuban leader says he'll return to Catholic Church if pontiff “continues like this”
Company faces international credibility crisis following air crash in Seville Government promises full-scale investigations to determine causes
A Dutchman who has spent 11 years in jail for rape hopes he will soon be released The UK has confirmed that DNA found at the scene belongs to a convicted British murderer
Barack Obama’s legacy could be tarnished if penitentiary is kept open after he leaves office
A pregnant woman and her six children were allegedly murdered at the outset of the conflict A new book reopens the case, in which the victims were supposedly thrown into a cave
Scandals only seem to increase the allure of the Mallorcan vacation resort New laws aimed at tackling drunken behavior look set to change nothing
Four people were killed in Saturday’s air accident, while two crew members were injured Spanish defense minister urges against doubting “the credibility of Airbus”