Security experts believe encrypted messages about a possible attack on the heir to the throne and the head of government represent a ‘threat to democracy and the rule of law’
The masts of the ship built for the owner of Amazon were too high for the historic De Hef in Rotterdam, and will finally be installed elsewhere following a public outcry
Jos Beek fathered at least 21 children from 1973 to 1986 even though his patients thought the donor was anonymous. Two other similar cases have emerged in recent years
A new book suggests a Dutch notary and member of the Jewish Council was the informant who revealed the hideout at Prinsengracht 263, but historians are skeptical
The International Institute of Social History is home to historical documents from the CNT labor union and Iberian Anarchist Federation, including the order that sent Buenaventura Durruti to Madrid
The feared dinosaur had a natural walking pace of 4.6 kilometers per hour, according to an analysis that for the first time has taken into account the role of the carnivore’s tail
Initial reports of hijack confirmed as erroneous by Dutch authorities
The flight, coming from Málaga, made “unusual maneuvers” on its approach
The pilot had failed to establish contact with air controllers