Pentagon says documents published by EL PAÍS show US is willing to negotiate with Russia
Spokesperson John F. Kirby said the letter confirms to the world that Washington is working hard to find a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis
Spokesperson John F. Kirby said the letter confirms to the world that Washington is working hard to find a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis
The Catalan pop sensation, who achieved global success with ‘El Mal Querer,’ continues to build anticipation over her third record, which is expected to drop in spring
After fleeing her family when they tried to sell her into a forced marriage, the singer discovered rap and wrote a song against child brides that has resonated around the world
The compensation agreement, to which EL PAÍS has had access, covers all damage suffered as a result of the accident on Line 12, which left 26 people dead
Jos Beek fathered at least 21 children from 1973 to 1986 even though his patients thought the donor was anonymous. Two other similar cases have emerged in recent years
In documents accessed by EL PAÍS, the Alliance also calls for a pact to bring an end to cyberattacks
In documents accessed by EL PAÍS, the responses from Washington and NATO to Vladimir Putin’s demands reject closing the door on future incorporations to the Alliance but do pave the way for mutual trust-building measures