86 percent of Congress votes down Catalonia referendum request
Rare show of unity as national deputies strike down Catalan demand for transfer of powers PP, Socialists and UPyD agree Constitution does not give region right to hold status vote
Rare show of unity as national deputies strike down Catalan demand for transfer of powers PP, Socialists and UPyD agree Constitution does not give region right to hold status vote
Attacks against Catalan self-rule and the presence of a dictator cast shadow over display of unity
Document launches staunch justification of controversial draft bill, which legal experts define as unconstitutional
PP and the main opposition Socialist Party support UPyD motion to reject call for referendum
Government hoping to shelve around a dozen embarrassing cases
None of the opposition parties in Congress will support proposed reform
Conservatives down 14 points on 2011 general election return
PP’s bill to limit universal justice is aimed at appeasing Beijing Socialists first clipped judiciary’s wings in 2009
Metroscopia survey shows Socialists would win elections with 1.5 percentage-point lead
"No one can deny anyone the right to be a mother, nor can anyone force someone to become one," says Monago
Spain's major political forces have plenty of ideas on how to update the country's Constitution when in opposition. But only external pressure has produced changes
Metroscopia survey for EL PAÍS shows PP and Socialists well short of a majority as IU and UPyD rise
But conservative expected to be chosen as president of CGPJ
Group backed by former Judge Baltasar Garzón and dean of Complutense University
Former party number two calls for split after PSC breaks ranks by abstaining from Congress vote against right to decide
Congressional spokesman for ruling Catalan party urges political deal
Socialists’ bump flattens as revelations of governing party’s corruption allegations die down
Voters believe ruling party has not done enough to explain Bárcenas' allegations of large bonuses paid out to members
Politicians will turn to trusted aides to deal with Catalan question as Madrid keeps low profile on upcoming Diada "national day" show of force
Only one in three of 2011 supporters backs government as poll share plummets to 23 percent
Former defense minister to give up congressional seat to teach in US in what observers describe as a “tactical move” “I’m going with a return ticket and you’ll see me back again here next year"
Affiliates of group’s youth wing displayed Franco-era flags and gave Nazi salutes on social networks PP number two in Congress argues that a million people died as a result of the Republic
Ruling party uses absolute majority to stop debate in Congress PM’s salary revealed to have nearly doubled that of head of opposition
As the prime minister embarks on the second half of his mandate, the Bárcenas scandal looks unlikely to go away Meanwhile, the economy is yet to show signs of recovery
Spanish PM asks that mission be expanded to include economic activity Commission says frontier charge would be illegal
Rajoy will try to keep blame in Bárcenas case away from himself and party, say PP sources
Governing party blocks Constitutional Court chief’s grilling on bias claims Judge has admitted that he was a card-carrying member of the PP from 2008 to 2011