Inside the latest mission to save migrants in the Mediterranean
EL PAÍS joins Doctors Without Borders as the NGO prepares to rescue those who attempt the dangerous sea crossing, which has already claimed 632 lives this year
EL PAÍS joins Doctors Without Borders as the NGO prepares to rescue those who attempt the dangerous sea crossing, which has already claimed 632 lives this year
María Noel Vaeza explains why the next generation of feminists needs to include the opposite sex
Extensive use of trolls, bots and fake news in a country with high social media penetration is distorting the political debate ahead of the July 1 vote
With the end of Michelle Bachelet’s term in Chile, women leaders are now absent from the region
The country became the first nation in the world to regulate the marijuana market It also took other landmark decisions such as the approval of same-sex marriage
Government will allow people over the age of 18 to grow up to six plants for personal use
Mujica decides to increase production to 1.2 million tons annually at plant neighbors claim pollute waters
Only eight percent of electorate in favor of petition
South American country’s top justices have recently struck down an amnesty-busting law