Disney’s sequel to its box-office smash, despite mixed reviews, has quickly become the year’s biggest hit. Its notion of the human brain as factory, nonetheless, feels controversial
His photographs of male nudes and his fight against homophobia have made him a gay icon. As he is about to complete 50 years of his career, some of his works are being exhibited at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London
The journalist, who has been at the helm of the magazine for a quarter of a century, has published ‘Holding the Note,’ which offers portraits of music legends, from Bruce Springsteen and Aretha Franklin to Leonard Cohen and Keith Richards
A review of scientific studies confirms that caring for family members with deformities and injuries is a widespread behavior in the animals most biologically similar to humans
Over the past decade, there has been a notable increase in Hispanic enrollment in college programs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, industries that by 2031 are expected to generate 10.9 million jobs