‘In regenerative medicine, the new organ is never rejected’
Bioprinting pioneer and surgeon, Anthony Atala visits Spain to talk about medical research into reconstructing vital organs from their own cells
Bioprinting pioneer and surgeon, Anthony Atala visits Spain to talk about medical research into reconstructing vital organs from their own cells
The new head of the international organization brings a background in work as chief of large companies like Mastercard, which is expected to help him navigate the challenges of global poverty reduction and climate change
‘One day, the artillery fire was so intense, we all thought we would die. But I didn’t stop drawing, it calmed me down,’ says Ruslan Pijota, who has become famous for his comics that portray life on the front
A strong police presence prevented acts of tribute in Hong Kong, where there have been more than a dozen arrests. The violent repression against students on June 4, 1989 is now a taboo subject in the country
‘He was one of the few presidents who really was an advocate for the Black community out of a pureness of heart,’ said the Rev. Bernice King, who leads the King Center that her mother founded
Turkey’s government accuses Sweden of being too lenient on terror organizations and security threats, including militant Kurdish groups and people associated with a 2016 coup attempt
The number of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa and Tunisia has skyrocketed in the first four months of 2023. Between January and April, 498 individuals disappeared in shipwrecks while en route to Italy
The issue pits Nevada’s powerful tourism industry, including trade unions, against a growing chorus of mostly progressive groups that, throughout the country, are raising concerns about use of tax dollars to finance sports stadiums
The pushback gives commanders in Moscow another thing to think about ahead of a much-anticipated Ukrainian counteroffensive that appears to be taking shape
Many trans adults in the state are now facing tough choices, including whether to uproot their lives so that they can continue to access gender-confirming care
There are more millionaires from different generations and more millionaires who engage in conspicuous consumption. That means that in these uncertain times, a sector of the population is willing to spend a lot of money on a product just because it is expensive
The company is testing new products and services in the United States, which it plans to make available to the rest of the world as early as next year
The pioneer of messenger RNA immunizations reflects on new treatments against viruses, bacteria and cancer