‘Putin has doubled down, and sees no way out except to continue with the destruction’
In an interview with EL PAÍS, Boris Johnson rules out a direct military intervention of NATO countries
In an interview with EL PAÍS, Boris Johnson rules out a direct military intervention of NATO countries
With roads unstable and gasoline in short supply, rail has become one of the few options for those escaping the conflict in Ukraine. Women and children are fleeing, while men must stay and defend their country
The impending economic crisis is likely to be greatly exacerbated by the decision of three of the biggest container shipping companies to stop deliveries to the country
Nobody is 100% certain who launched the object, which was due to hit the far side of Earth’s natural satellite on March 4
Pro-Putin artists have been fired from prominent global positions while others who oppose the war have canceled their own shows or quit their jobs, defying a national ban on protests
US paleoanthropologist Tim White, a living legend in his field, has moved to Spain to continue his quest to uncover the distant origins of ‘Homo sapiens’
The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency states that the safety of the six reactors has not been compromised following a fire that broke out during an overnight attack