Spanish Royal Household confirms location of emeritus king Juan Carlos I
The whereabouts of the former monarch have been a mystery since he decided to leave Spain two weeks ago, due to accusations of financial wrongdoing
The whereabouts of the former monarch have been a mystery since he decided to leave Spain two weeks ago, due to accusations of financial wrongdoing
The governments of Andalusia, Murcia, La Rioja, Cantabria and Galicia have already published their official gazettes setting out the latest coronavirus measures
Aragón is the only region in the country so far that has seen its infection rate rise since the lockdown deescalation phases came to an end on June 21
The attendees, many of whom were breaking the law by not using the obligatory face coverings, cited a number of conspiracy theories about the pandemic
A probe has found that a group of companies, including Deloitte and KPMG, worked like a cartel to divvy up contracts and leave other competitors out of the game