Martin Ravallion: “We have to get rid of the idea that wanting to reduce inequality makes you a communist”
The former World Bank economist talks to EL PAÍS about his mission to fight global poverty, and how to make capitalism fairer for everyone
The former World Bank economist talks to EL PAÍS about his mission to fight global poverty, and how to make capitalism fairer for everyone
The Official State Bulletin has published data on the Republicans who lost their lives in the Nazi prison, as a way of “giving them back their dignity”
Another two men have been given provisional release for allegedly sexually assaulting two 20-year-old Norwegian women
David Sassoli has called on Jean-Claude Juncker to find a solution for the 121 people on board the boat, which has been denied entry by Italy and Malta
City Hall has ordered sports centers to get rid of any regulation that stops female swimmers from dressing as they wish