Wave of strikes rocks Brazil ahead of World Cup
Authorities are racing against the clock to complete airports in time for soccer championship
Authorities are racing against the clock to complete airports in time for soccer championship
The 400 marijuana associations in Catalonia are reporting a boom in drug tourism in the region
US ambassador and former HBO exec James Costos says network is looking at Andalusia
Company says TV campaign had come to an end because it was not generating adequate results
President calls for lifting of ban on pregnancy terminations when woman’s life is in danger
Unusual turn of events on Tuesday saw first suspension in Madrid’s Plaza de las Ventas for 35 years Gorings are “price you have to pay to achieve the aim of being a torero,” says Jiménez Fortes
Nicole Kidman is a princess in critical peril in the panned 'Grace of Monaco' And Jude Law fattens up to play the lead role in ‘Dom Hemingway’
Politician Miguel Arias Cañete caused a storm after making sexist comments about Socialist rival But he waited five days before saying sorry, describing what he said as “unfortunate”
Spain has benefited hugely from European funding, though many projects have been poorly planned Despite art centers sitting empty and railway lines lying unfinished, the EC says corruption is rare
Ex-newsreader faced a steep learning curve after marrying Prince Felipe a decade ago Since then she has found success abroad and carved out niches in education, innovation and health
Dialogue with the FARC is the main topic on the presidential campaign trail But Colombians are skeptical about the success of the peace process