Obama administration backs Argentina in ongoing dispute with creditors
Buenos Aires is protected by "sovereign immunity," deputy solicitor general tells US Supreme Court
Buenos Aires is protected by "sovereign immunity," deputy solicitor general tells US Supreme Court
Civil Guard arrest man after attempt foiled at port in Tarifa
Accommodation occupancy rates up to 75.7%, seven points above last year, says minister
Even in death, author Gabriel García Márquez was able to bring world leaders together
Popular demand sees 76-year-old sherry ad put back after new building owner had it removed
Flash figures from National Statistics Institute show drop in registered population
Members of the PSC claim that citizens “don’t know who to vote for in terms of a leftist party”
Hundreds of women are working in virtual slavery in brothels throughout the province Trapped by their debts to traffickers, they have seen their conditions worsen with the crisis
Former Madrid premier Esperanza Aguirre says those against bullfighting are “anti-Spanish”
Former Popular Party moneyman reveals further details about illegal financing Slush fund was used to pay for Mariano Rajoy's dress suits, he tells judge