Judge mulls targeting princess in Nóos case after receiving tax data
Magistrate gives parties involved five days to respond to latest AEAT data showing royal couple’s arrears
Magistrate gives parties involved five days to respond to latest AEAT data showing royal couple’s arrears
"That does not happen in any country as the system would go bankrupt,” José Manuel Soria says
Colombian government refuses to stop its military offensive against insurgency
Attempts to restrict the freedom of movement of EU citizens simply work in the interests of Europhobes
Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy speaks to journalists from EL PAÍS and five other newspapers The Spanish leader insists that the only solution to the crisis is job creation
Opposition wins mayoral races in major Venezuelan cities
Crown, the leading manufacturer of metal containers in the world, was attracted to Spain's Mivisa because of its production and marketing techniques
Clandestine migration, divorces and adoption cases reveal extent to which children are still vulnerable to traffickers
CGPJ members vote in new president by 16 votes to four
North coast town of Cudillero has seen six different people head up its council over past two years
In Scotland the governing party won elections with a referendum pledge; in Catalonia this has not been the case
Two major investment funds take Spanish government’s decision to cut subsidies to World Bank's arbitration agency