Quick decisions needed to shore up Spanish economy, says PM
Rajoy tells EU leaders they “must be conscious this is a money issue” Brussels unlikely to change banking aid rule
Rajoy tells EU leaders they “must be conscious this is a money issue” Brussels unlikely to change banking aid rule
The means of saving money on pharmaceuticals must not penalize the poorest patients
“I did it out of wounded pride,” says defender, as Spain reaches third straight final
Eighty-year-old Fernández Gayoso leaves under a cloud of inflated severance packages
Ex-Miss Spain Carmen Cervera to sell Constable painting due to lack of funds
Polls show once-dominant party's Peña Nieto leading presidential race
Proposal has been criticized by the opposition and drug addiction treatment centers Some 150,000 Uruguayans - five percent of the general population - consume marijuana
Drug trafficker and would-be country squire Laureano Oubiña Piñeiro is about to be let out of jail
OAS to send delegation to Asunción as landlocked nation finds itself ostracized
Bolivia reaches pact with striking police officers after five days of violence
Former dictator protesting "unjust sentence" given to him for "contribution to national harmony"
Spain's Audit Court is a toothless watchdog where old hands go to enjoy the perks
CGPJ members spent over 800,000 euros on trips last year
Castellón High Court is pressuring for dismissal after eight years of legal delays, magistrate claims