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Ten practical tips to live in harmony with the environment

EL PAÍS offers some practical advice on how to nurture our planet and better our daily lives

Consejos para un consumo responsable y cuidado del medio ambiente
Fernanda Castro

Taking on the challenge of climate change requires a powerful mix of small steps and bold action. While world leaders negotiate ways to combat global warming, governments and businesses make commitments to reduce emissions. As consumers, many of us are unsure how to start adopting more environmentally friendly habits, but we all have a role to play in protecting the planet. Here are 10 little things we can do every day to raise awareness and protect the environment:

1. Separate garbage

Fernanda Castro

While garbage separation is a voluntary practice for many worldwide or enforced by their governments, it is not mandatory in many Latin American countries. Inadequate waste management contributes to global warming, making it crucial to have three bins at home: one for recyclables, another for compost and a third for disposables.

2. Make compost

Fernanda Castro

Composting is a natural process for treating daily organic waste. In about three months, we can transform waste into fertile soil. Here’s how to do it:

3. Stop using so much plastic

Fernanda Castro

Another piece of advice is to avoid plastics. Every minute, 500 billion plastic bags are used worldwide and often end up polluting ecosystems. There are over 140 million tons of plastic fragments in our oceans. We can two simple things to help out:

4. Reduce energy consumption

Fernanda Castro

One major challenge we face is the energy transition — shifting from fossil fuels (like oil and gas) to renewable energies (such as solar, wind and hydro). It’s a crucial change that requires reevaluating how we consume energy. Here are some steps we can take:

5. Use water responsibly

Fernanda Castro

Much like our planet, approximately three-quarters of the human body is made up of water. Water covers 70% of the world’s surface, but only 3% is fresh water suitable for consumption. Out of this 3%, roughly 2% is locked in glaciers and deep underground water tables that are difficult to access. So we only have 1% to supply the 7.7 billion people living on our planet. These statistics clearly highlight the importance of preserving this valuable resource. Here are some concrete actions we can take:

6. Consume locally produced and sustainable foods

Fernanda Castro

Promoting local businesses helps reduce our carbon footprint. Consuming agro-ecological fruits and vegetables supports ventures that use bioinputs instead of agrochemicals and pesticides, and organic seeds instead of genetically modified ones.

7. Use eco-friendly personal care products

Fernanda Castro

Using personal care products that are cruelty-free and do not contain harmful ingredients like parabens is crucial. That’s why many people are switching to eco-friendly options such as solid shampoo, bamboo toothbrushes and natural hair conditioner, deodorant and toothpaste.

For feminine hygiene, some alternatives like menstrual cups, cloth pads and period underwear are available. Disposable sanitary napkins and tampons take 500 years to degrade and contribute to massive amounts of waste.

8. Clean your house with natural products

Fernanda Castro

There are many companies manufacturing solid dishwashing detergents, eco-friendly laundry products and sponges made from plants. Additionally, you can try your hand at homemade degreasers using lemon and baking soda or switch from foam rubber sponges to jute or natural loofah sponges.

9. Reduce paper use

Paper production has significant adverse impacts. The manufacturing, distribution and consumption of paper lead to the overexploitation of natural resources, harming the environment.

What alternatives exist?

10. Connect with nature

It’s called “earthing” — the act of connecting with nature. For example, walking barefoot outside. How do we do it? Take some time out of our routines to go out and breathe fresh air, walk in a forest, or swim in an ocean or lake.

Besides providing health benefits like stress reduction, improved circulation, better sleep, and nervous system regulation, these activities also help the environment. We will see positive effects in various aspects of our lives, making a difference in our daily routines. We hold the power in our hands.

Bonus tip

Let’s not overlook the urgency of demanding stronger rights and laws, both locally and globally, to safeguard our shared home – the magnificent planet Earth! Big changes have always sprouted from the grassroots. Again, we hold the power in our hands.

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