Russia gives Spain digital copy of a valuable medieval manuscript stolen in 1835
The 11th-century ‘Will of Count Gundesindo’ disappeared from a monastery and showed up over a century later in Saint Petersburg
The 11th-century ‘Will of Count Gundesindo’ disappeared from a monastery and showed up over a century later in Saint Petersburg
The barren-looking municipality of Tomelloso has lost all its cereal crops and is now struggling to save its vineyards, which had traditionally kept growers afloat when everything else failed: ‘The situation is really bad’
A spokesman for the party attacked a proposal to outlaw hate speech in electoral discourse as an ‘attack on free speech’ after misinterpreting figures on crime in Catalonia
Researchers have unearthed five stone busts dating from the 5th century BC at the Turuñuelo de Guareña archeological site in Badajoz, Spain
The expulsion of the Jews in 1492 buried homes and synagogues standing for more than a thousand years in the Iberian Peninsula
According to the national weather agency Aemet, parts of the country will be among the hottest on the surface of the planet this Sunday