The trial of former president Felipe Calderón’s secretary of public security demolishes the myth of the super-policeman who took on the cartels and reveals him to be the partner of the criminals he promised to fight
The New York jury reached a unanimous verdict on the five crimes charged against the former secretary of public security of Mexico during the government of Felipe Calderón
Turning away migrants at the US southern border has led to even more death and violence. Shutting down legal points of entry will not deter people from entering the country, it will only increase irregular immigration and strengthen criminal gangs
Pay de Limón was found by the owner of the Milagros Caninos shelter in a dump and nursed back to health. Now, at age 13, he is a finalist in a popular competition
The player, born in California, was raised among thousands of migrants in the United States, but decided to play for the Mexican national team. He will now be part of the Catalan youth team
Eliminalia uses fake news, cloned websites and bots to deceive Google, according to an investigation by Forbidden Stories and EL PAÍS, which for the first time reveals the company’s client list
A network of lawyers, public notaries and government officials have expropriated more than 4,000 properties in a single year to sell at below-market prices
Jesús ‘Rey’ Zambada testified to handing over millions of dollars to the former Mexico security chief, who has elected not take the stand during his New York trial
The US Treasury Department says Ismael ‘El Mayo’ Zambada’s lieutenant is ‘responsible for coordinating the purchase and transportation of cocaine and methamphetamine from Sinaloa to Arizona and California’
The figure has grown 70% from 2019 and is close to 20,000 people despite warnings by the US State Department about high rates of violent crime and kidnappings
The judicial process against the former head of Mexican public security has seen several high-ranking narcos reveal the horrors and excesses of the war on drugs
José Melesio, César Salazar and Leo Reyes – all residents of the United States – returned to their native country for a few days. They were subsequently abducted and executed. With no suspects in custody, their families are demanding justice
The Mexican government has filed a suit in Florida accusing the former security official of diverting over $750 million in public funds, while a NY court is trying him for allegedly taking bribes from the Sinaloa Cartel