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Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House, on February 13.
Donald Trump

King Trump

Fernando Francia|

The question is no longer whether Trump can amend the Constitution to stay in power, but whether American democracy is strong enough to withstand the challenges of a leader with a base willing to question its limits

Humberto Ortega, standing under a portrait of César Augusto Sandino, in an archive image.
Humberto Ortega Saavedra

Humberto Ortega, former Sandinista military strategist persecuted by the Ortega-Murillo regime, dies

The former guerrilla who became head of the Sandinista Popular Army was a feared and respected figure in Nicaragua in the 1980s. Fallen into disgrace and at odds with Vice President Rosario Murillo, he died at the age of 77 from heart complications while under house arrest by order of the presidential couple



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